The 70th Dokuritsu (Independent) Exhibition is held on October on 16 - 31, 2002 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
The exhibition is organized by the Dokuritsu Bitjustu Kyokai (Independent Fine-Art Association) annualy since 1930.
It is devoted only to oil paintings.

This year around 800 painters from over all Japan submitted around 2,400 paintings to the exhibition. From them,
the Jury, which consists of 126 members of the Dokuritsu Bijutsu Kyokai, selected around 550 paintings
of around 540 artists for the show.

I'm the only foreigner-artist, whose work ("The Genie of Phu Dong") has been selected by the Jury.

Click on the links below to see some photos.

My painting among others in one of the sections at the exhibition
The same section from another angle
The opening party