Author guide
for the Proceedings of the RIKEN Symposium on
Selected Topics on Nuclear Collective Excitations
All the authors are kindly requested to submit one copy of their manuscripts to the organizers
upon arrival at the Symposium

1. Method of Input.
       The author is requested to kindly follow the simple instruction below, that is set by the publishing department of RIKEN. First, the author should click on these underlined files names to dowload two files, namely  revp.tex and revp.sty to his (her) computer.
(If the author is unable to download these files, please notice us to get them from us via e-mail). Save these files in your computer with the names revp.tex and revp.sty, accordingly. The first file revp.tex is a sample LaTex file, which the author refers to when making the manuscript.  The second one revp.sty is the style file. Second, the author should use this style file to produce his (her) manuscript in LaTex.
       Tips:  the LaTex command \documentstyle[genko,fleqn]{revp} in the sample file revp.tex is used to print out the manuscript in the revision style. (Click here to see the output in the one-column style). Replacing this command with \documentstyle[fleqn]{revp}, you can preview the final form of the manuscript in the two-column style. (Click here to see the output in the two-column style)

2. Important points in preparing the LaTex manuscript.
a) Author's name and institution address.
      Write full names of all the authors accurately. For authors with positions, please provide as below:

Naohito Nakasato, *1 Masao Mori,*2 and Kenichi Nomoto*1,*3
*1 Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo
*2 Institute of Astoronomy, University of Tokyo
*3 Cosmic Radiation Laboratory, RIKEN

 Author's names and manuscript title should be in the center of the page. Footnotes should be within the margin of the first page.

b) Abstract.
      The abstract of the paper should not exceed 100 words and should summarize the aim of the reports, the methodological approach, and the significance of the results.

c) Main Text
       Indent two characters at the start of for every paragraph. The citation in the text should be in the form: (e.g., abc, 1) abc, 3, 4) abc, 3-5) etc.)

d) Figures, illustrations etc.
       Original figures should be submitted on separated sheets, not pasted in the text. This is because the  figures are photographed by our publishing company from the full size figure. They will be rescaled for printing and so suitably large lettering should be used. Put the figure number and authors' name on figures. If you refer illustrations in the text, write, for example: "... in Fig. 1 ...", "... in Figs. 1 and 2 ...", ... [Table 1] .... However, don't use abbreviations when starting a paragraph. In that case, you should start the paragraph with e.g. "Figure 1 shows ...". Figure and Table Captions should be listed in the separate last page before Figures/Tables. Each figure and table should be labeled as "Fig.1 author et al.". Indicate which way is up if it is not obvious.

e) References
       Mark references with superscript numeration in the text. References should be standardized as below:
       1) S. Noh and I. Yamaguchi: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31, L1299 (1992).
       2) P.S. Ho: in Principles of Electronic Packaging, edited by D.P. Seraphim, R. Lasky, and C.Y.Li (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989), p.809.
       3) J.A.Dean: Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973).
       4) F. Martinerie et al.: Proc. 31st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Vol. 4, p. 3803 (1994).
       5) B. D. Campbell, P. M. Simon, J. T. Triplett, R. E. Tylor: Proc. 23rd Int. Wire and Cable Symp., Cherry Hill, U.S.A., 1982-11, Cherry Hill, 1983, p.149

f) Style and Submission of Manuscript
       There is no page limitation. The manuscript should be printed on A4 paper, in 12 point Times font, at 53 characters per line and double spaced (29 lines). Paragraph should be left hand justified leaving enough space to the right for editors' notes.